

Let Me Entertain You



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Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien. Aenean quis risus semper, venenatis leo ac, auctor eros. Etiam dolor lectus, sollicitudin at eros ut, tincidunt mollis ligula. Phasellus quis auctor tellus. Duis aliquet aliquet nisl, sed accumsan urna bibendum nec.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes ridiculus mus. Sed ligula nec lectus bibendum elementum.

Nullam aliquam neque ipsum. Morbi a risus quis diam finibus posuere eu sed mi. Vivamus accumsan aliquet feugiat. Nam lacus arcu, varius ac placerat rutrum nec eros.

Natural born performer

About Chris

Chris is a natural born performer and is always excited to put his entertainment skills to the test in front of a crowd.

Throughout the years, Chris has been working hard to develop his own artistic voice and make sure he stands with his performances.


Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet orci a, porta finibus sapien. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet orci a, porta finibus sapien.


Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet orci a, porta finibus sapien. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet orci a, porta finibus sapien.


Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet orci a, porta finibus sapien. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet orci a, porta finibus sapien.

Chris Riches 2022

A Born Entertainer

Next Level Entertainment

Chris Riches Magic is the perfect choice to bring unforgettable fun and lasting memories to any celebration or special event. If you’re looking to hire the very best in the biz, you’ve come to the right place. Chris Riches Magic is here to perform and entertain for you and your guests. See all that I can do below, and get in touch to book your next gig.

My Services

Close-Up Performances

I invite you to join me for a one-of-a-kind experience. Close-up performances work for group of 10, all the way up to 100+ people and for almost any kind of event! I guarantee you and your guests will have an incredible time watching me perform no matter how many times you’ve seen me in the past. My goal is to produce unforgettable performances accessible to all audiences. Get in touch with me to learn about my availability and rates.Divider

Stage and Corprate Events

I’m always a hit with my performances on stage and at Corporate Events. I customize all facets of my act depending on the audience and location, and always manage to create an engaging and unforgettable interaction. Contact me to learn more about what I do best and what I can do for your next event.



"We just experienced an up close & personal Chris Riches Magic show... WOW!! Really enjoyed it and still left dumb founded"

- Jo Davidson

"Loved the show! Legit magician, He is funny and his magic tricks are great!"

- Sally Gilday

"Definitely recommend Chris for any occasion!"

- Colleen Neumann

I bring the entertainment to all of your special events. Have an awesome idea?